Hunger Mountain

Summer 2024

Faculty, students, and alumnx of the Writing Program at Vermont College of Fine Arts are the creators of Hunger Mountain. We at Hunger Mountain believe that art is central to the human experience, that we are at once reflecting and creating our reality. We, earth-bound humans, curate the world for ourselves and others amidst an increasing awareness that existing also means becoming alongside the animal, viral, fungal, and mineral worlds. In this issue, we showcase proud and vulnerable efforts. We extend outside of the literary and take part in the grass, muck, mud, and worm-activity. We disregard genre and get lost in a maze made of eyes. We hope—as readers and writers and thinkers—you find this Issue tasty and tart, made of muscle, skin, bone, and tendon. Welcome to Issue #30.

Issues / / Masthead
Editor-in-Chief & Fiction Editor

Adam McOmber

Fiction Editor

Brian Leung

Creative Nonfiction Editor

Chachi Hauser

Poetry Editor

Tarfia Faizullah

Hybrid Editor

Myrth Killingsworth

Managing Editor & Associate Poetry Editor

Yetta Rose Stein

Associate Editor At-Large

Stephen Welter

Copy Editors

Jenna Crowder

Melissa LaCross

Tara McCann

Annelise Schoups

Stephen Welter

Cover Artist

Ben Mogren

Staff Readers

Chris Allen

Joe Anson

Amy Asay

Kelley Evangelist

Brie Goumaz

Erin Green

Elizabeth Gulsvig

Vern Holland

Ann Huang

Melissa LaCross

Jamie Li

Tara McCann

Lee Mirkovic

Jeremy Nelson

Jeremiah O'Malley

Vic Osland

Andrew Polewarczyk

Todd Poremba

Timothy Provenzano

Linda Romano

Mark Routhier

Jayda Skidmore

Susan Squires

Carmela Starace

Jep Streit

Juliet Way-Henthorne

paper texture